Ter Spegelt Receptie Teamfoto bijgesneden header

We like to make you happy!

0 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 11 years 12 to 14 years Adults For the whole family


A SPAR supermarket is located near the reception area. Here, you can purchase delicious oven-baked sandwiches and pastries. There is also a complete range of meat, fish and meat products, as well as dairy items, vegetables and fruit. In addition, you will find an extensive range of groceries, household items, reading material and toys.

Tip before your arrival:

Order your groceries from home, and we will ensure that the order is ready to pick up at the time of your arrival! www.sparterspegelt.nl

Supermarkt 2016 HR 1
Ter Spegelt broodjes halen Spar LR
Pakgro Supermarkt1
Pakgro Supermarkt