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We like to make you happy!

0 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 7 to 11 years 12 to 14 years Adults For the whole family

Speeding across the water

A fun activity where children up to 14 will certainly not be bored. Tubing in a tire behind the speedboat you will 'dune' over the water. Who will stay on board longer, you or your vacation buddy? Take on the challenge!

This activity is often scheduled as part of our recreation programme during school holidays because it requires supervision. The cost is €12,00 per person. Would you prefer to stay dry, but still have the adrenaline rush? For € 4,00 - it is possible to sit in the boat. From now on you can register yourself online (via our app) for tubing. You can also complete your payment there. Take a look at the programme in our app and register online.

Are you curious to see what BandRaften is like? Watch the video here:

2018 Bandraften HR 1
13 recreatie bandraften 7
2016 Band Raften 3 jongens
Bandraften Week28 1097
2018 Bandraften HR 2
2016 Band Raften kust HR