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We like to make you happy!

3 bandrafters achter een speedboot
TerSpegelt SterrenStrand spelende kinderen op boot
Ter Spegelt Meisjes op steen LR
Pump Track overzicht 2 HR
Ter Spegelt kabouterpad HR 5
Speeltuin meisje slingeren kabelbaan
Ter Spegelt suppen moeder kind HR
20210812 airtrampoline kinderen LR
Ter Spegelt midgetgolf gezin HR 2
Beachvolleybal HR 3
Ter Spegelt Knutselen knutselzolder Bloos en Zilva LR

Facilities at TerSpegelt

At TerSpegelt nobody has to be bored! There is a lot to do for both young and old. The extensive range of facilities ensures that there is something for everyone, so that no one has to sit still on holiday. There is the SterrenStrand, the Indoor Swimming Pool and the PumpTrack. Would you like to know what other facilities there are at TerSpegelt?

Discover all facilities
Ter Spegelt Sterren Sterren Strand Troon HR

5 Stars of TerSpegelt

Meet our 5 Stars: Freule, Bloos, Hendrik, Zilva and Timo. You will regularly find them dancing and singing in our park, so don't hesitate to greet them! The stars all have a favourite spot at TerSpegelt as well. Timo can regularly be found on the sports fields, while Bloos prefers to be with the animals at the Childeren's Farm. Freule can be found on her estate on SterrenStrand, Zilva dances in the SterrenDisco and Hendrik... well, he is probably sleeping in his hut. Curious about the stars of TerSpegelt?

Read more about the Stars
Ter Spegelt De Wijde Blick terras HR 1
Plateau De Keizer 16
18 Wijde Blick keuken 1
Ter Spegelt boot Lekker Snacken HR

Food & drinks

Having a nice dinner with the family? That is possible at family restaurant De Wijde Blick in the park. For a delicious lunch, drink or dinner you can go to the attractively decorated restaurant De Keizer eating & drinking. Here dishes are served with an international touch. For an easy bite, you should go to the LekkerMakkelijk pick-up corner or snack bar LekkerSnacken. And it's even easier now, because you can even order your food online!

Discover all catering

Discover our park

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Senioren Natuurpoort bij bord LR
Ter Spegelt kabouterpad HR 3

Explore the area

There is not only a lot to experience at TerSpegelt, there is also plenty to do in the area. This is how you discover the wooded area around the park from Natuurpoort TerSpegelt. Prefer a day trip? There are also plenty of options in the vicinity for this.

Discover all the outings in the area