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We like to make you happy!

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Table magician

Magic at the table: a dinner full of miracles. Come and enjoy dinner and be enchanted by magician Leo Smetsers' stunning tricks! While you enjoy delicious food, Leo provides a magic show full of humour and mystery, where your eyes will deceive you time and again with tricks that happen right under your nose. Be amazed at this magical evening for young and old.

Table magic at restaurant De Wijde Blick will take place on: 30 April, 29 May, 30 Juli & 13 August. Check the current dates and times in the App and book your table.

Book for the table magic show

Table magic at restaurant De Keizer will take place on: 9 April, 14 May & 11 June. Check the current dates and times in the App and book your table.

Table magic at De Keizer
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Burgers & Skates

Zoefff! A lady on skates serves you a juicy burger with a classic milkshake, this is Burgers & Skates! Enjoy delicious burgers and great milkshakes in fun atmospheres. Perfect to experience together with friends or family. A unique evening full of entertainment and fun you don't want to miss.

Burger & Skates at restaurant De Wijde Blick will take place on: 1 June & 2 October. Check the current dates and times in the App and book Burger & Skates.

Book Burger & Skates

Also at our restaurant De Keizer, ladies on roller skates serve burgers & milkshakes during the Beer & Burgers event. For more information on the package and this event, check out De Keizer's website.

Beer & Burgers at restaurant De Keizer will take place on: 17 April. Check the current dates and times in the App and book Beer & Burgers.

Beer & Burgers De Keizer
Bediening gezin Keizer burger 2

Events at De Keizer

At our restaurant De Keizer eten & drinken, we organise various events throughout the year. We have gnome adventures, table magician leo Smetsers comes several times, we transform the restaurant during Halloween for our Spooky Dinner Show, but we also have various themed evenings such as an Italian evening, Japanese evening and a asparagus evening. Curious about all the events at De Keizer eten & drinken? Then check out the website for all dates and arrangements.

Events at De Keizer
Ter Spegelt Sterren Sterren Strand pose HR
Ter Spegelt Barman Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Vader en dochter tekenen Wijde Blick HR
Ter Spegelt Uitserveren gerechten Wijde Blick HR

Dining with our Stars

Meet Bloos, Timo, Freule, Zilva and Hendrik at a family dinner. Get to know their favourite hobbies, stories and activities and befriend your favourite Star! Take a picture with them and save all the Star autographs. In the App, check the current dates & times of Dining with the Stars.

Dining with our Stars at restaurant De Wijde Blick will take place on: 21 April, 8 June, 19 June, 13 September, 28 September & 26 October. Check the current dates and times in the App and book your table.

Dining with our Stars
De Keizer jubileumdag Kabouter Pad HR
Ter Spegelt kabouterpad HR 6

Gnome Adventures

Gnome Adventures are for our little adventurers. Let yourself be transformed into a gnome and walk the GnomePath, while visiting all gnome friends. During this afternoon, a story will be read in the forest and we will finish at De Keizer with drawing fun colouring pictures.

The gnome adventures at restaurant De Keizer will take place on: 26 April, 4 May, 22 June, 16 July, 3 August, 21 August & 10 September. Check the current dates and times in the App.

Paas Brunch beeld
Ter Spegelt Uitserveren gerecht Wijde Blick LR
Ter Spegelt Uitsmijter Wijde Blick HR


On Sunday 20 April, a delicious Easter brunch will be waiting for your from 10:30 - 12:30 hr at Beach Pavilion De Wijde Blick. The brunch consists of a buffet of delicious delicacies from our own kitchen, the cost is €29.50 p.p. We will finish the brunch with a dessert buffet.

We also think of the children! For €15.50 p.p. Children up to 12 years old can enjoy the buffet, participate in the recreational programme, make a colouring picture together with the Easter bunny and have fun playing.

Book for EasterBrunch