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We like to make you happy!


Brasserie De Panberg, located in Eersel, has a rich history. In 1980, Gust and Franca took over the farm from their parents, and they have been raising pigs and working the land ever since. They are big fans of the agricultural lifestyle, and they want everyone to be able to enjoy it. That’s why they opened Brasserie De Panberg in 2015. Every Sunday, you are welcome to enjoy delicious breakfast or lunch. Gust is behind the stove, making delicious fried eggs on toast. Franca will welcome you and make sure that you can feel, taste and enjoy agricultural life at Brasserie De Panberg. Enjoy the beautiful view from the terrace or get some well-earned rest after a long walk in the woods.

Brasserie De Panberg is 1 kilometre away from TerSpegelt. You can walk here in fifteen minutes. Definitely worth a visit if you’re staying at the park.

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Panberg Recente foto 1
Panberg recente foto 2
Panberg recente foto 4