Ter Spegelt Receptie Teamfoto bijgesneden header

We like to make you happy!

Wij kijken uit naar jullie komst


  • Travel company
  • Accommodation type
  • Date of arrival
  • Date of departure
  • My TerSpegelt

We’re doing our very best for you before you even get here

We’ll do this for you:

  • Send you a booking confirmation within 24 hours
  • Make sure the pitch you’ve booked stays free
  • Ensure you have everything you need during your stay at the park

Guarantee yourself an unforgettable holiday by remembering to do the following

You can do this before you arrive:

  • Make a countdown calendar
  • Create a “MijnTerSpegelt” account
  • Pay your deposit or make your payment
If you want more information, download the app If you want more information, download the app